The Lasselle Family Session/Sherwood, Oregon Photographer

"I came to get down
So get out your seats and jump around
Jump around
Jump up, jump up and get down.
-'Jump Around'- House of Pain

This session was amazing! Bryony's dear friend allowed us to use her gorgeous property. The lighting was dreamy as is this sweet, young family. My favorite memory from this session was how the boys daddy, Grant, would run and jump over their two year to make him laugh. It totally worked. It is something that he would normally do while playing with him. Lil' man LOVED the water. He was most interested in throwing rocks in the water (aren't most boys?).

Lasselle family, thank you so much for choosing me to photograph your delicious family!

Go forth and rock on! 

Sorensen Family Session/Newberg, Oregon Photographer

"There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary"

-'My Hero', Foo Fighters

When I think of the Sorensen family, the word 'hero' comes to mind. Why? I am so glad you asked. =) Colin and Amy do so much for the Newberg community. Colin is a firefighter and Amy volunteersat the Newberg Animal Shelter (looking to adopt a fur baby? Check them out please Giving of yourself to help others is a hero in my eyes. Thank you Colin and Amy for all that you do!

This session was not only a family session but also a milestone session. Mr. P turned one! I think lil man looks so much like his daddy, do you agree? He was so happy and he absolutely was enamored with the bubbles which was fun to watch. I think bubbles are pretty darn cool too! 

What was even better about this session is that Amy gave me two boxes of delicious KIND bars! Yum! The apricot ones are my favorite. 

Thank you Sorensen family for choosing me! Go forth and rock on! 

Selby Family Session/Sherwood, Oregon Portrait Photographer

Not to touch the earth, not to see the sun
Nothing left to do but
Run, run, run
Let's run, let's run

House upon the hill, moon is lying still
Shadows of the trees
Witnessing the wild breeze
C'mon baby run with me let's run

Run with me
Run with me
Run with me
Let's run

-The Doors, 'Not to Touch the Earth'

I am lucky to call Brenda my friend. She is a blast to hang out with. Easy to talk with, chill, funny, a runner, smart and positive.  She is a strong woman.  Brenda and Jeff have been together since they were babies! Ok, maybe not that long but since they were teens. And the Selby family have been supporters of my little business ever since my first year.  And I am ever so grateful. 

This session was smooth sailing. The kiddos were as sweet as can be. My favorite part was at the end when Miss. A and Mr. M were telling each other silly secrets and making each other bust into giggle fits. The best! 

Thank you Selby family for supporting me! Go forth and keep on rockin'! 

Beilstein Family-Family Session/Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"I think I'll go for a walk outside now
The summer sun's callin' my name
(I hear ya now)
I just can't stay inside all day
I gotta get out, get me some of those rays

Everybody's smilin', sunshine day
Everybody's laughin', sunshine day
Everybody seems so happy today
It's a sunshine day"

-'Sunshine Day', The Brady Bunch

Did I just quote 'The Brady Bunch'? Oh yeah! Yes, I did. AND while typing this blog, I am listening to the song on YouTube. 

This session made me think of that song. It was a beautiful, sunshine day with a beautiful family (and Llama....or is that an alpaca? hmmm). Although it is currently Christmas Eve Eve, I am reliving this warm, late September day and that wonderful golden light. Guys, I am so behind on blogging my sessions, I am still blogging September sessions! Although this week I may be able to catch up. 

I absolutely love this session. A wonderful mix of portrait and lifestyle/candid. Such a lovely family and lil' models and one of my favorite locations, Camp Tilikum in Newberg. Can't you just feel the love this family has for each other? Gah, and what a gorgeous couple Matt and Kelsey are!! 

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do. 

Thank you Beilstein family for choosing me! Go forth and keep rockin' on! 

Lujan Family Session/Sherwood, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"Come on, take a chance
Get up and start the dance
Let the D.J. shake you
Let the music take you"

-'Everybody'- Madonna

Dance, nanci Imagery

When I arrived at Magnus Tree Farm in Sherwood, Oregon for the Lujan's family session, I realized that I recognized them but I just could not place it. Then when I got out of the car, I realized exactly where I know Holly and Dan from, the torture class at our gym. Holly and I had been emailing each other back and forth regarding the session but we did not realize that we actually know each other. I found it pretty amusing because anyone who does the torture class at the gym, I feel bonded too, even if I don't know their name. We suffered together, therefore we are bonded. =)

Holly and Dan are blessed with two wonderful, handsome, loving boys.  The whole family knows how to have fun. At the end of the session, we had a wee dance party...well, they had a dance party, I captured it. 

Thank you Lujan family for choosing me to photograph your delightful family! Go forth, burpee and rock on! 

Stillinger Family Session/Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish."

-Rascal Flatts "My Wish"

It was a gorgeous September day (oh my goodness, I am 2 months behind in blogging!) when I met the Stillinger family. They invited me up to their property in Newberg. When I first arrived, I was immediately drawn to their front door. They bought it (I cannot recall where) and put it in their home. I thought it was so gorgeous and they fit perfectly in front of it. 

This session was inspiring and relaxing.  Chad and Lauren's little guy is SO chill and happy. The love was overflowing. 

I absolutely love how these images came out. This art, Nancy Imagery, that is captured, photographs, it is created with life,  emotion. I capture it. I do not create it.  Through these images I hope that you can see the excitement, love, energy, and togetherness. 

Thank you Stillinger family for inviting me to capture your family! Go forth and rock on!  

First Birthday-Milestone Session/Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold,
You're daddy's little girl to have and hold.
A precious gem is what you are,
You're mom-my's bright and shining star.
You're the spirit of Christmas, the star on the tree,
You're the Easter Bunny for mommy and me;
You're sugar, you're spice, you're everything nice,
And you're daddy's little girl."

-Michael Buble "Daddy's little Girl"

Oh boy did I have loads of fun with this session! It was Miss J's first birthday and it was a sunny/overcast day in early September. Sunny/overcast day, you question? Yeah, you know, a not so uncommon day in the Pacific Northwest. There was rain and then it was super sunny and then came the gloom and then rain again.  

But yeah, this session was extra fun for a few reasons, One, it was her special day. Two, because mom and dad were super chill and fun and were up for adding in some extra fun. Three, it was fun watching dad dote on his daughter, making sure her headband was 'just right' before each shot and fixing her dress so it was perfect (see above image).  Four, capturing this little family's love for each other and five, dad is into photography also so he knew exactly how to help me out. It was awesome! 

We did the session on the family's gorgeous property and both grandma's were able to be there also. It was so sweet seeing her interact with her grandma's, she is so loved! 

Mom had the idea to bring out her balls from her ball pit. This was my favorite part. The three of them seemed to have fun playing together and were in the moment and I enjoyed capturing the moment. 

There is also a pond on the property, which I almost lost my shoe in. I had slipped into the pond and my shoe slipped off. Thankfully, I did not fully fall into the pond and my camera was completely safe. 

Thank you so much Kimberly, Jordan and Miss J for letting me be apart of this important time! 

Lil' Miss J, go forth, grow and rock on! 

Family Bitty Session-Jarmer Family/Newberg Portrait Photographer

'What'll I give just to hold you close
As on earth
In heaven we will be together baby
Together again ma baby

Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smilin' back at me'

-Janet Jackson "Together Again"

©Nanci Imagery-8621.jpg

I first met the Jarmer family in April of 2014 when I photographed this sweet family. 

April, 2014

After our first session together Kristine and I would run into each other at the gym.  I enjoyed seeing Kristine and her adorable little man. I had seen him here and there at the gym but I had not seen her daughter since our last session. So when we met on the day of our current session, I was shocked. I could not believe how much she had grown. I know, it's such a cliché and of course when one does not see a child for some time, it is expected to see how they have grown. But still....I don't know, it's surprising. 

These two kiddos so tenderhearted with each other. Big sister seems to enjoy being a big sister and bro adores her. It was delightful watching the two of them together. 

It truly brings me joy when I get to see families again that I have photographed in years past. Thank you dearly Jarmer family for choosing me to photograph your family. Mom and dad, you are doing an amazing job raising up these sweet kiddos.

Go forth and continue to teach and  lead in love and kindness and of course, rock on! 

Headshots-Newberg/Portland Area Photographer

Oh, she got both feet on the ground
And she's burning it down
Oh, she got her head in the clouds
And she's not backing down
-“Girl on Fire”- Alicia Keys
©Nanci Imagery-5401.jpg

Lisa is a boss, A BOSS. She is confident, strong and in control.  She knows what she wants and she gets it. She was also patient, very patient with me.

You see, I really love what I do. I love it! And sometimes I can get lost in it. Lisa hired me to do her headshots and she wanted a few extra shots, non-headshot images. I had so much fun with Lisa that I lost track of time. She was rockin’ it and so I just kept shooting. I hope she did not mind. =)

Lisa is a real estate broker with The Broker Network ( She is also a realtor & assistant/transaction coordinator.  She is one busy momma! I enjoyed talking with her about being a business owner, momma, believing in yourself and setting boundaries. She was encouraging and inspiring.

I look forward to seeing Lisa again and meeting her family at our session at the coast this summer!