Selby Family Session/Sherwood, Oregon Portrait Photographer

Not to touch the earth, not to see the sun
Nothing left to do but
Run, run, run
Let's run, let's run

House upon the hill, moon is lying still
Shadows of the trees
Witnessing the wild breeze
C'mon baby run with me let's run

Run with me
Run with me
Run with me
Let's run

-The Doors, 'Not to Touch the Earth'

I am lucky to call Brenda my friend. She is a blast to hang out with. Easy to talk with, chill, funny, a runner, smart and positive.  She is a strong woman.  Brenda and Jeff have been together since they were babies! Ok, maybe not that long but since they were teens. And the Selby family have been supporters of my little business ever since my first year.  And I am ever so grateful. 

This session was smooth sailing. The kiddos were as sweet as can be. My favorite part was at the end when Miss. A and Mr. M were telling each other silly secrets and making each other bust into giggle fits. The best! 

Thank you Selby family for supporting me! Go forth and keep on rockin'! 

Hartman Family Bitty Session/Sherwood, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"Breathe out
So I can breathe you in
Hold you in
And now
I know you've always been
Out of your head
Out of my head I sang"

'Everlong'-Foo Fighters

The first three things that come to mind when I think back to this September session with the Hartman family. #1) it was so great to see the Hartmans again. #2 Foo Fighters. #3 Ava Anderson.

I first met the Hartmans in 2014 when I did their family portraits and I am so thrilled that they chose me again this year. They are a dream to work with. They are cool people. Super cool. At our session this year, I learned that John had gone to the Foo Fighter show just a few days before. I was a wee bit jealous because I had wanted to go but, well, time passes by and I never bought tickets. But anyway, see, they are cool people. Proof right there. 

 At this session is where I first learned of Ava Anderson. Stephanie is a rockin' consultant for Ava Anderson ( and I had the chance to smell a few items. Instantly, I became in love with the candles. I am sensitive to scents. I get headaches easily and these candles do not give me headaches when many others do. Probably because they  are non-toxic. Ava Anderson has a wide variety of non-toxic products to choose from. Products for your baby, animal babies, your home, body and even your car.

And their kiddos! No, Ava Anderson does not sell Hartman kiddos. That was a bad lead in. =)  I mean that I cannot forget the other two Hartmans! Mr. L and Miss S. were super cooperative and truly happy kiddos. We busted this session out super fast as they were on point! 

Thank you Hartman family for choosing me to capture your family! Go forth and rock on! 

Beilstein Family-Family Session/Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"I think I'll go for a walk outside now
The summer sun's callin' my name
(I hear ya now)
I just can't stay inside all day
I gotta get out, get me some of those rays

Everybody's smilin', sunshine day
Everybody's laughin', sunshine day
Everybody seems so happy today
It's a sunshine day"

-'Sunshine Day', The Brady Bunch

Did I just quote 'The Brady Bunch'? Oh yeah! Yes, I did. AND while typing this blog, I am listening to the song on YouTube. 

This session made me think of that song. It was a beautiful, sunshine day with a beautiful family (and Llama....or is that an alpaca? hmmm). Although it is currently Christmas Eve Eve, I am reliving this warm, late September day and that wonderful golden light. Guys, I am so behind on blogging my sessions, I am still blogging September sessions! Although this week I may be able to catch up. 

I absolutely love this session. A wonderful mix of portrait and lifestyle/candid. Such a lovely family and lil' models and one of my favorite locations, Camp Tilikum in Newberg. Can't you just feel the love this family has for each other? Gah, and what a gorgeous couple Matt and Kelsey are!! 

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do. 

Thank you Beilstein family for choosing me! Go forth and keep rockin' on! 

The Glynn Family-Family Sessions/Newberg, Oregon Photographer

"My favorite...
My favorite...
She's my favorite girl, the one I'm always thinking of, that one.
My favorite girl, the one I love."

-'My Favorite Girl'-NKOTB

I cannot explain how wonderful it feels to me to be chosen as a family's photographer repeatedly. It feels flat out amazing! It's so great to see families again and to know that I did something right. Last winter, I had the pleasure of photographing the Glynn family and I was so honored to be chosen to do their photos this year. 

The Glynn family is super fun to work with and Megan is one of my cheerleaders, she is so sweet and just edifies me. She is the type of person that just makes you feel good and she wants good for you. 

And Miss A, oh my goodness, she is just sweet as can be! Our kiddos go to the same school and when I see her at the school she just beams a giant smile and says 'Hi Ms. Nanci!' And she is smart, she knows what she wants too! She gets into the photo shoot and has her ideas of how to pose. I love it!!! It's so much fun, I love seeing her personality is the photos. 

Oh and Megan also introduced me to  I just received my first woodsnap product last week. It's super cool. Your photos on wood. Get your photos printed, don't just keep them hidden in your computer. =D

Thank you SO much Glynn family for choosing me again to photograph you! 

Go forth and rock on! 

The Burgess Family/ Newberg, Oregon Photographer

It's a cute overload
Don't you want to take us home
Cute, cute, cute, cute overload"

-Parry Gripp

©Nanci Imagery-2039.jpg

Get ready to be overloaded with cuteness. This family is so adorable I can hardly handle it. Abby is a very busy momma! She works for George Fox University and  is a fitness guru who inspires many on a daily basis, including myself. You can learn more about her here:  Her main man is a firefighter. And together they make a super, duper strong couple!

When we met for our session, Abby told me that their little man, Mr. C., takes time to warm up to people. He must love the camera because he just lit up right away. The photo above is one of the first shots.  This session was a dream. I love how these turned out. I hope you enjoy them too! 

Thank you Burgess family for choosing me to be your photographer. Go forth and continue to rock on! 

Pieper Family Session/Hillsboro, Oregon Photographer

"I'm gonna soak up the sun
I got my 45 on
So I can rock on"

'Soak Up the Sun'- Sheryl Crow

The Pieper session! I have so much to say about this shoot. I was so thrilled when Sarah asked me to photograph her family. I had the privilege of photographing her second son's 1st birthday photos a year ago and I was looking forward to seeing them again.

Let me start by talking about what happened before the session. Sarah wanted to do the session at a creek and we had a few places in mind but she wanted to check them out first. I too wanted to check out one of the locations because I was not sure it would be a good creek for a session. So I took my boys out to the location and guess who I see there? Yep, Sarah and her kiddos. She too was checking out the spot to see if it would be a good session spot. I thought that was pretty funny. 

We decided that it would not be  a good fit and we decided on Rood Bridge Park.  On the  day of the session, oh my goodness was it hot! No, it was not just hot, it was humid. So very humid. Not great weather for a photo session. But they handled it so very well. We wanted to do photos by the water but it was just so darn humid. Did I mention that it was humid? Yeah, I am not used to humidity. Do you see in the above photo how wet he is? 

Ok, moving on.....We started at the bridge and as we were all set-up for the first shot, the ducks arrived. And with the ducks  came a multitude of children that wanted to see the momma duck and her ducklings.  So we waited. The ducks left and so did the kiddos. I set-up the shot again and guess what happens? The ducks wanted to cross the bridge again. So the kids came back. We waited. They ducks left. I set-up again. And guess what happened. I kid you not. The ducks wanted to cross again. The kids came back to see the ducks. We waited. And then the ducks crossed again. I literally said, "Are you kidding me ducks?!" BUT this time, the Piepers were behind the ducks and the other kids were out of the way (this time!) and the shot was perfectly lined up. And finally the ducks went back to the water and we were able to officially start the session.  

The Pieper family rocks, they were so patient but busy. Can you be patient and busy also. Hmmm, well, they were. And I love it!  We ran, we did bubbles, we played games and we all rocked it! 

Thank you So much Peiper family for choosing me again! I had a hot, sticky, fun time with you and I look forward to working with you again! 

Go forth, soak up the sun and rock on! 

Hettervig Family/Extended Family Session/ Oregon City, Oregon Photographer

"Wow look at you now
Flowers in the window
It's such a lovely day
And I'm glad you feel the same
Cause to stand up, out in the crowd
You are one in a million
And I love you so
Lets watch the flowers grow"

Travis- "Watch the Flowers Grow"

I had such a delightful afternoon with Cheryl and her family.  The grounds were absolutely stunning, the weather was sunny and warm as is Cheryl and her family.  They welcomed me like an old family friend. Frankly, I didn't want to leave. I just wanted to keep photographing them and chatting.  They are genuine, chill, funny people. The kind that you want to BBQ with. 

The little man of the family is such a character with a happy spirit. He is the one that first showed me how funny my squeaky booty is. If you do not know what my squeaky booty is, well, you should just see me in action. 

At the end of the session I was gifted with some deliciously ripe tomatoes, cucumbers and corn from the Hettervig garden. Mr. Hettervig thoughtfully picked them out for me. When I came home, my eldest son was in heaven. He loves cucumbers and eats them like an apple. 

You know, just thinking of them reminds me that a little thoughtfulness and kindness goes a long way. Being welcomed to the Hettervig home, trusting me with capturing their family, picking veggies special for me and enough for me to share with my family made me feel like I am apart of a community and that I am cared for even though they had just met me. Each one of them showed me kindness and it made me feel good. Not for just the day, but when I think of that day and this family, a smile comes to my heart. 

Thank you Cheryl and family for letting me be apart of your day! Go forth and rock on!! 

Family Bitty Session-Jarmer Family/Newberg Portrait Photographer

'What'll I give just to hold you close
As on earth
In heaven we will be together baby
Together again ma baby

Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smilin' back at me'

-Janet Jackson "Together Again"

©Nanci Imagery-8621.jpg

I first met the Jarmer family in April of 2014 when I photographed this sweet family. 

April, 2014

After our first session together Kristine and I would run into each other at the gym.  I enjoyed seeing Kristine and her adorable little man. I had seen him here and there at the gym but I had not seen her daughter since our last session. So when we met on the day of our current session, I was shocked. I could not believe how much she had grown. I know, it's such a cliché and of course when one does not see a child for some time, it is expected to see how they have grown. But still....I don't know, it's surprising. 

These two kiddos so tenderhearted with each other. Big sister seems to enjoy being a big sister and bro adores her. It was delightful watching the two of them together. 

It truly brings me joy when I get to see families again that I have photographed in years past. Thank you dearly Jarmer family for choosing me to photograph your family. Mom and dad, you are doing an amazing job raising up these sweet kiddos.

Go forth and continue to teach and  lead in love and kindness and of course, rock on! 

Neskowin Beach Mini Sessions/Portland, Oregon Photographer

Neskowin Beach Mini sessions with Nanci Imagery. Newberg, Oregon and Portland, Oregon Photographer. 

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Family/First Birthday Session-Newberg, Oregon Photographer-Nanci Imagery

First Birthday and Family Portraits

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Hinchliff Family Session-Newberg/Portland Oregon Photographer

“Cause baby, now we've got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
So take a look what you've done
Cause baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!” 

-Taylor Swift

 “Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift. The Hinchliff girl’s current favorite song. Cheryl, the girl’s momma, is brilliant. At the beginning of the shoot she turned on the song to help set the mood and to get the girls energized. Music at every shoot would be great.

Sisters at an old farm, Nanci Imagery

The Hinchliff girls are a combination of adorable, sweet and silly. A pretty great combination, in my opinion. They were so easy to shoot, they seemed to have a great time. Miss A. had specific requests about photos she wanted me to take, Bunny ears over her sisters head, of course. But she also had requests for me to take a particular photo of her sisters scrunched up face because, “it’s so adorable”. I love it! I know I have said this before but I will say it again, I love it when kids get involved with the session and communicate their ideas. I helps me to get to know them and hear what makes them tick. 

Adorable scrunched up face, Nanci Imagery

Tom, the girl’s daddy, wanted to do the session at a special location, his late friend’s property. With authorization, we were able to shoot at the old farm house. A really old farm house. And it was superb. Gorgeous family, farm house, wheat, evening sun, trees, old shed = a photographers dream.

Cheryl came prepared with a few ideas of photos that she wanted to do and everyone was game to do them. Well, of course Tom was a willing participant, he got to make-out with his wife. Well, ok, a make-out session is a bit of an exaggeration but I know he enjoyed it.  

Kissing, Nanci Imagery

Thank you Cheryl for choosing me again to document your family this year. I truly enjoy spending time with you and your family! 

Go forth and rock it Hinchliffs!

The Riley Family Session- Newberg/Portland, Oregon Photographer

"Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years."

-Richard Bach

I first met the Riley family in October 2013 when Katie hired me to do their family photos. In my mind, we became friends instantly. We clicked. Katie is relatable, smart, gentle-spirited and so easy to talk to.  When we hang out, everything is easy. Conversations flow and I feel relaxed. 

That October day, I did not plan on meeting any new friends but I am glad that God had other plans. As a child, I often felt lonely. So through my life, no matter how full my plate seems, I try to remain open to new friendships. You never know who is needing a friend. And I am so thankful for Katie! 

Riley family- 2013

Riley family- 2013

Fast forward to June, 2015. I love seeing how the kiddos have grown. Not just in size but in personality, maturity and in relationship with each other. The Riley's have two lovely, sweet kiddos. AND even better, the siblings are so loving to each other. On the day of the session they were really into it. I love it when the kiddos have ideas for poses and actions. Big sister is a born leader and little bro finds happiness in whatever is going on. 

Jay and Katie are high school sweethearts. I sometimes get jealous of high school sweethearts. I did not meet my man till I was 26 (at the time I remember thinking I was getting married at an 'old' age!). Jay and Katie make a great team and I can see they have much respect for each other.   

The photos from this session are some of my favorites. I hope that you enjoy them also. 

Riley's, I KNOW you will go forth and rock it! Love you! 

Englen Maternity Session-Newberg/Portland, Oregon Photographer

         Laughing, floating bubbles bouncing by
Lifting, soaring upwards towards the sky
Each contains a scene from childhood dreams
Keep the bubbles bouncing and be free- Brian Cox 2001
Blowing Bubbles, Maternity session

I could have photographed this sweet young family  Usually toddlers have a 10 minute time frame for do dad's. However, Jared and his daughter were really into this session as well as momma-to-be Megan. Photo sessions are extra fun when everyone is relaxed and wants to be there. Jared and Megan brought bubbles for little E to play with; a sure fire way to bring out the fun, even for the adults. What is it about bubbles that just makes one feel carefree? Well, at least that's how I feel about bubbles. I can't help but smile watching a child face light up from blowing bubbles, watching them float and trying to pop them (or if you are my boys, trying to sword them). 

What's so funny to me is that even when it was time to get photos of just Jared and Megan, their sweet daughter wanted to be in them too. That rarely happens! She would come up and squeeze her face in between theirs or come up and hug on mommy or daddy. Such a sweet girl, so loving. When I was getting a photo of Jared and Megan, I asked them to kiss so Lil' E came over and joined them in their kiss. I had a different vision of the photo but that is what I love so much about photo sessions. I give guidance and you bring yourself and be yourself, interact and we will see what unfolds. It's fantastic when these things come together. 

Megan  was so fun to work with. She brought a hat and when she put it on, a different side of her came out. It was fantastic! Megan is expecting her second daughter in July. I believe lil' E is going to be a doting big sister, gentle and affectionate. 

I foresee many days of the Englen sisters blowing bubbles together and giggling as they try to pop them all. 

Thank you Englen family for letting me capture you! For forth and rock the delivery of

baby girl Englen! 

Together Sessions-What to Expect/How to Prepare

Family/Maternity/Couple Sessions- What to Expect/How to Prepare

*The most important part of this document is the last part- “At the Session”

·         Time

The best time of day to shoot is the golden hour, the short period after sunrise or before sunset. This is when the light is the best, golden and soft. However, oftentimes with little ones, it is there bedtime. If it is possible to schedule a family session at this time, the images will be gorgeous! But is you know your child will be a tired mess that is ok. I prefer a happy, rested child. I know how to find soft, even light any time of day as long as the location is fitting.

·         When to Schedule Your Maternity Session?

The best to shoot your maternity session is when you are between 34-37 weeks along.


·         What to Wear?

1.     Wear something that is flattering and comfortable for you; maybe that is a long dress or a cardigan and jeans.

For the kiddos, choose something that they will be comfortable in. I had a little girl come to the session in a beautiful dress. She was not acting herself, she refused to participate. Later we she said that she hated dresses so did not want to cooperate.


2.     If you do have your daughter in a dress or skirt, please have your child wear bloomers, tights or shorts under the dress. We will be having fun and in the event the skirt flies up, modesty will prevail.


3.     Avoid matching the family perfectly. Instead think of three complementary colors and choose items from those color groups.


4.     Please try to avoid logos.


5.     Here is the link to my Pinterest board for further guidance.


a.     Maternity:

b.     Family:

c.     Couples:


6.     Once you know your color scheme, please let me know, if possible, so that I can choose a coordinating blanket.



·         At the Session.


This is the really important part.


My goal is to capture emotion, personalities, genuine interaction and moments and to preserve memories. To do this, we need personal walls to be broken down. This can be hard when there is a camera around. So, what I would like from you is to come to the session without expectations.  That is easy for me to type, but harder to do. I know. Let me see if I can help.


1.     If I will be photographing children, tell them where you will be heading and that I will be there with my camera to document/photograph/capture your family time together. Word it how you feel will best communicate this to your child/children. Let them know what to expect but at this time, there is no need to bribe them. Bribing communicates that what they will be doing is not going to be fun. Try not to tell them to smile and behave. Think of this time as going to the park but looking your best. We want this to be fun for all. If your child throws a fit, IT’S OKAY! I am patient. (BTW, I have three boys, nothing fazes me). Does your child need to take a break for hugs? Prefect, I will snap away from a distance. Keep the mood light-hearted, do what you know will help your child feel better. Strong-willed child, that’s ok too! Try not to get frustrated or stressed as that just feeds into the child. Do not expect perfect behavior. Besides, I want to capture real life. And without the expectations of capturing perfect children, that’s when we will get the real smiles.


2.     I will direct you to start out with. We will do a few ‘posed’ shots and with these posed shots I will put you in position. But after that, I want you to just be, be close to each other, and interact with each other (and not me!). I will guide this to begin with by asking questions in which to get the interaction going. For example, for a family, I may ask the children to recall a special time with mom. Or who farts the most (yes, I use potty humor to get laughs). For couples I may ask you to recall a special moment that only the two of you know about. I WANT you to engage and talk about it. I may ask sisters to tell whisper a secret. For a family session, we may play games. My goal is to get you less aware of me and more aware of each other and to feel.

* I want to see what transpires/unfolds as each relationship/family is unique.

We want this to shine through!*


3.     Expect to be close. Expect to always be touching someone. Obnoxiously close. So make sure you brush your teeth. =)


4.     Remember to keep your spine tall.



·         Props?

I like the simple, natural style. I do not use a lot of props. I will usually bring a blanket, crate, or stool to sit on. If you have anything that you would like to bring, I am happy to incorporate it, just let me know in advance.


If you have any questions or requests about the session that is not covered here, please feel free to ask.
