The Gallagher Family/Wilsonville, Oregon Family Photographer

"One life to live
Many paths to take
One twists and turns and falls away
And flowers bloom in brilliant light
And fade into the night
So much to lose
Or so it seems
These idle games and children's dreams
How they confound and split the seams inside my mind
I just keep moving on into the unknown"

'Moon'- Eve 6

Have I ever mentioned how I love redheads? No, well, I adore them! One of my sons is a copper. I chose the song lyrics because as soon as I thought of Mr. C, I thought of Eve 6 and the lead singer Max Collins who is also a ginger.

Ben and Chelsea have such a sweet, fun little boy and he is a total ham.  Seriously, just look at that smile! And mom and dad are just as playful as he is! I love it! Makes for such a fun shoot. 

Thank you so much Chelsea and Ben for trusting me to capture your fun, lively family! Go forth and keep rockin' on!

Carlson Family/Wilsonville, Oregon Family Photographer

"Together forever and never to part
Together forever we two
And don't you know
I would move heaven and earth
To be together forever with you."

-'Together Forever'- Rick Astley

It was a mid-October day when I met the Carlson family. We met at Memorial Park in Wilsonville and the weather was wonderful, not too cool and not too warm. The Carlson family were an absolute dream to work with! The kiddos are natural posers, they love the camera! They made my job smooth. 

Jeremiah and Nichole moved here from Nebraska (although I think they are from Oregon). love hearing about the places that people have lived. Jeremiah was is the Air Force, thank you Jeremiah for your service! 

Thank you so much Carlson family for a fun session and for choosing me as your family photographer! Go forth and rock on! 

Lotz Family Session/Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer

Champoeg Park, Fall Family Session

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The Burgess Family/ Newberg, Oregon Photographer

It's a cute overload
Don't you want to take us home
Cute, cute, cute, cute overload"

-Parry Gripp

©Nanci Imagery-2039.jpg

Get ready to be overloaded with cuteness. This family is so adorable I can hardly handle it. Abby is a very busy momma! She works for George Fox University and  is a fitness guru who inspires many on a daily basis, including myself. You can learn more about her here:  Her main man is a firefighter. And together they make a super, duper strong couple!

When we met for our session, Abby told me that their little man, Mr. C., takes time to warm up to people. He must love the camera because he just lit up right away. The photo above is one of the first shots.  This session was a dream. I love how these turned out. I hope you enjoy them too! 

Thank you Burgess family for choosing me to be your photographer. Go forth and continue to rock on! 

The Redfield Family Session- Wilsonville, Oregon/Portland Area Photographer

"I feel it
It's coming

Feel it on my fingertips
Hear it on my window pane
Your love is coming down like

'Rain"- Madonna

It's the end of August. Portland has had a dry Summer. However, on this particular Summer day, as I was on my way to the shoot with the Redfields, I drove through the dark grey rain clouds. I drove through the buckets of rain. Thinking to myself, "Really, really? Rain now?!" I continued to drive to the shoot anyway. I drove through the rain and came out into the sun. Phew. 

I get to the location and as we are discussing the shoot, the rain starts coming down on us. Then it really starts pouring. We ran to cover and we decided that we would wait a bit to see if the rain would pass. It did not look like it was going to. But it did and I am so glad that we decided to wait it out. 

The sun shinning and then being blocked by the clouds created a challenge for me that day but these three kiddos did not. They were so easy to work with. Full of light and personality. 

Sweet boy, Nanci Imagery
Nanci Imagery

Thank you Redfield family for choosing me and trusting me to capture your loving family! I enjoyed my time with you. 

80th Birthday Celebration- Newberg/Portland Area Photographer

"Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind
Memories, sweetened through the ages just like wine"

"Memories"-  Mac Davis (for Elvis Presley)

My friend Whitney contacted me about coming to her husband's grandma's 80th birthday celebration last month at Hayden's Lakefront Grill in Tualatin. Whitney had learned that many of Helen's older photos had been destroyed. So she thought it would be nice to have a photographer come and capture some new memories. Isn't that such a sweet gesture! And I was thrilled to be the one to do it. 

Helen at her birthday celebration

Helen at her birthday celebration

When I first met Helen, I was surprised.  I thought she was 20 years younger.  She was surrounded family-by her kids, grand-kids, great-grand kids and friends. After dinner we did a few family shots and then her family surprised her with a slideshow of memories. I enjoy being on the sidelines watching in, capturing the emotion. It was so sweet watching her reaction to all the photos, reminiscing about that time with her loved ones surrounding her. I especially enjoyed seeing her 3 year old great-granddaughter taking delight in the slideshow as well.  

Helen seemed to really enjoy herself and I am so happy that I was able to capture new memories for her. For me personally, I have memories of times that have photos attached to them. Unfortunately, the memories I have of the past that do not have photos are jumbled in my mind or lost completely. It would be devastation for me if I lost (and I have) old images of my past. But on this day, Helen has new memories with images to go with them. =)

Happy 80th Helen! Keep on rockin' beautiful lady!